Total Capital Management Institute
Total Capital Management™ (TCM)
Today's Standard for Business Excellence
The product of a unique blend of interdisciplinary practice, theory, and research, TCM is a principles-based system for maximizing sustainable firm-level net present value and investor wealth while making a positive impact on overall economic, environmental, and social sustainability.
Sustainable Value Creation
TCM Governance, Leadership, and Management
The single best way to decide if you should invest in a company is to find out if corporate leaders have made the fundamental shift to TCM governance, leadership, and management.
Interdisciplinary Capital Management
Systems-Level Value Creation
An excellent indicator of this shift is the replacement of the old-fashioned, intradisciplinary organizational design with TCM's breakthrough interdisciplinary organizational design focused on the process and outcome of total capital management.
TCM's Three-Legged Stool
Alignment of System, Position, and Function
TCM's interdisciplinary chief capital officer position and TCM function are derived from TCM's digital system. This three-legged stool of system, position, and function optimizes the total capital management process to achieve today's standard for business excellence: the Sustainability Synthesis™.
Chief Capital Officer (CCO) and Total Capital Management (TCM) Function:
The Ultimate Strategic Business Partners
The old-fashioned, pre-TCM strategic business partner role burdened line management with multiple toolkits for managing each type of capital.
In TCM firms, CCOs and their TCM functions provide line managers with the single, interdisciplinary Digital Total Capital Management Toolkit™ (DTCMT) enabling achievement of the Sustainability Synthesis: producing superior levels of sustainable shareholder value while making a positive impact on overall economic, environmental, and social sustainability on behalf of all other valued stakeholders.
Maximize Investor Wealth: Become a Certified TCM Company
A unique, principles-based, transformational learning opportunity to make the fundamental shift from intradisciplinary to interdisciplinary capital management needed to achieve the Sustainability Synthesis, the breakthrough global standard for "doing well by doing good."
Total Capital Management:
The Common Ground, Common Language, and Common Cause of
the Global Business Community and Capital Markets
At the 2024 FEI Financial Leadership Summit, we delivered a transformational workshop on how chief capital officers as CFOs of the future can serve as catalysts for board directors and CEOs of the future, equipping them to systematically achieve the Sustainability Synthesis: maximize firm-level sustainable net present value and investor wealth while making a positive impact on overall economic, environmental, and social sustainability on behalf of all other valued stakeholders, and vice versa.
Participants in the workshop included CFOs also serving as board directors. After learning how Total Capital Management (TCM) enables achievement of the Sustainability Synthesis, the participants engaged in a simulation acting as investor relations officers describing to stock analysts, institutional investors, and shareholder activists how they maximize net present value as TCM companies. This interactive process highlighted the common ground of all parties and the need for a common language to achieve their common cause: maximized levels of sustainable wealth creation. TCM is that common language.
This workshop was an important step towards a common-sense future in which all institutional investors and shareholder activists require their equity investments to be TCM firms. The purpose of the TCM Institute, along with its parent company, SuperOrg, Inc. (www.superorg.solutions), and the Chief Capital Officer Institute (www.chiefcapitalofficer.institute), is to pull this future of maximized wealth creation into the present.
Finally, to make an important point about becoming a Certified TCM Company (see above), will quote Bob Henderson, a career CFO, Sickles Certified Total Capital Management Professional, and originator of the TCM Institute: "TCM certification is earned, not bought. It will be awarded to companies only after they consistently utilize TCM to achieve superior returns through sustainable means for shareholders and all other valued stakeholders."
Total Capital Management Institute:
Partner to Enlightened Business Leaders
It’s been said that when you advance a science above and beyond where it has ever been before, you force it into the realm of magic. This advancement has been performed on the science of business management.
Specifically, an underlying harmony of the laws of business has been discovered by Mark W. Sickles, the inventor and Father of Total Capital Management™. This discovery equipped Mark to unify the complexity of a multitude of previously considered unrelated laws of business management into the elegant simplicity of Total Capital Management (TCM).
Equippedwith TCM, business leaders can now choose to eliminate 1) errors of commission wasting time, money, and effort and 2) errors of omission resulting in breakthrough increases in value creation. Simply put, in the TCM era of business, leaders are free to achieve more by doing less.
The product of TCM is a new species of organization called SuperOrg®. SuperOrgs are smarter, faster, and stronger than previous organizational species, enabling them to increase sustainable firm-level net present value and investor wealth to a level conventional wisdom considers impossible that could not be predicted by the past. Enlightened business leaders unwilling to continue making these value-destroying errors will utilize the Total Capital Management Institute’s developmental and certification process to build or transform their firms into SuperOrgs.
Imagine 100% of participating members in stock indices and equity-based institutional investments are certified TCM companies. The result of this emerging future will be a breakthrough increase in financial, economic, environmental, and social sustainability providing the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people.
To get underway in your TCM journey of extraordinary results, contact us below.
Listen toTCM Institute Chairman and Father of Total Capital Management Mark W. Sickles Discuss the TCM Movement
“Just like his free form talking on the UK! Masterminding, Mark’s “Going Green” podcast is fabulous."
Paula Turk
World Thought Leader
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The Future of Work into Your Present
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© 2024